Laundry Day USA


Laundry Day Unlimited (Unltd.) is an American clothing and accessories retail brand
founded by Shelton Finley in 2009, and based out of Chicago, Ill. The brand began as a
tongue-in-cheek quip and has morphed into a global concept that will impact the game
of fashion. This Family-Friendly company merges creative ideas and concepts into one
universally accepted medium, which brings forth a brand that is both relevant and
relatable to the entire world of fashion and comfort. Witty and innovative concepts give
a “fresh” and “clean” look at the traditional norms of clothing choices. This approach
gives Laundry Day its edge, while keeping it light-hearted and presenting itself as a great
conversation piece, to boot. As Laundry Day approaches, a new positive “spin” will
result from this innovation. At least we can now remain fashionable on Laundry Day!!!
The options are UNLIMITED!!!


Laundry Day maintains as the core of its MISSION the intent to provide a competitive
product line of clothing and accessories that will be of the highest quality and represent
the best of what the clothing industry has to offer. We will strive to establish the
absolute best American production and assembly process in the clothing/textile
marketplace. Ultimately, to align with the Made in the USA moniker that we fully intend
to stand behind, the United States of America will be the EXCLUSIVE production home
of all clothing produced by This goal is a vital aid in the effort to
impact the communities where we live and work both socially and economically.